What to do if your identity has been stolen [Video]

Amy MitchellRisk Management

Whether your credit card was lost and used, or you’ve suffered from full-blown identity theft, the experience can be frightening. Here at Murray, we’re committed to helping you get your life back on the right path.

First thing’s first—reach out to the three credit rating agencies, Equifax, Experian and TranUnion, and tell them to place a fraud alert on your credit report. Then, contact your local police department to report the crime and file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.

Now that you’ve alerted the proper authorities, it’s time to clean house. Figure out what bank accounts, cards and other services have been opened in your name and ask the credit agency to shut them downbut make sure they make the reason, “closed by creditor” to show you didn’t open them.

If you need more help remediating identity theft, Murray experts are always just a phone call away. Tune in next time for more news.

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