October is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Denise GillinNews, Risk Management

By Eugene V. Schmitt, CSP, ARM, CHST, CFPS, Risk Control Specialist

October is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of workplace deaths. In 2018, there were 276,000 people injured in distracted-driving crashes and more than 2,700 died in distracted-related crashes. Drivers must avoid visual (eyes), manual (hands), and cognitive (mind) distractions.

Three ways to help make our roadways and our people safer:

First – Commit to driving distraction-free: Take the NSC Just Drive Pledge*. Pledge to Just Drive for your own safety and for others whom you share the roads by not:

  • Having phone conversations
  • Texting or sending Snapchats
  • Using voice-to-text features
  • Updating Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo or other social media
  • Checking or sending emails
  • Taking selfies or filming videos
  • Inputting destinations into GPS (while in motion)
  • Calling or messaging someone else when you know they are driving

Second – Understand the common distracted driving issues and how to address them. Following are some of the issues. Click the link for the recommendations for how to address them: Understanding Driver Distraction.

  • Drivers do not take distraction seriously enough
  • Hands-free is not risk-free
  • Drivers think cell phone use is distracting … for other people
  • It is impossible to multitask and give equal attention to each task

Third – Hold a five-minute safety talk entitled “Driving in the Workplace: Avoiding Distraction”. Click to download Driving in the Workplace – Avoiding Distraction.

When eyes, hands, and especially your mind are not focused on driving, you increase the chance of making a mistake that can result in injury or even death. Pull over if you have to complete a task.

For more information:

Contact Gene directly at 717.823.3157 or a member of the Murray Risk Control Team at 717.397.9600 for additional resources and tools for preventing distracted driving.


*The Zebra will donate $1 for every pledge taken and match 100% of every donation made up to $5,000 between now through November 6 to support the work of NSC to keep you and your loved ones safe on the road.

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